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2 Ono, R, H. Kan, N. Sakagami, M. Nagano and C. Katagiri. 2014 First Discovery and Mapping of Early Modern Grapnel Anchors in
Ishigaki Island and Cultural Resource Management of Underwater Cultural Heritage in Okinawa. In Hans Van Tilburg, SilaTripati,
Veronica Walker Vadillo, Brian Fahy, and Jun Kimura (eds.) Proceedings of the 2nd Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Cultural Heritage, pp. 983-697.

3 Katagiri, C., Ono, R., Yamamoto, Y., and Miyagi, K, 2016, “Research on shipwrecks, and sea routes of ships in the Ryukyu Archipelago”, presented at the International Congress for Underwater Archaeology. (IKUWA6), Maritime Museum, Australia

4 Nakanishi, Y, Tetsu, T., and Ono, R, 2016, “Pursuing sustainable preservation and valorisation of underwater cultural heritage: attempt in Okinawa at an underwater site museum”, presented at the International Congress for Underwater Archaeology. (IKUWA6), Maritime Museum, Australia

5 Sakagami, N., Li, Y., Kimura, J, 2016, “A Model Educational Program for Underwater Cultural Heritage utilizing a Remotely Operated Vehicle”, presented at the International Congress for Underwater Archaeology. (IKUWA6), Maritime Museum, Australia

6 Sakagami, N. Takemura, F., Kan, K., Nagao, M, 2016, “Underwater archaeological survey using robotic systems and a broadband multibeam echo sounder system”, presented at the 8th World Archaeological Congress. Doshisya University, Kyoto, Japan

7 Nakanishi, Y. and Katagiri, C. 2017. Okinawa kaiiki deno suichubunkaisan no hozonkatsuyou moderu kouchiku no tameno kokusaihikakukenkyu, Nihonkokogakukyokai dai 83kai soukai kenkyuuhappyou youshi: 68-69. Tokyo; Japanese Archaeological Association. (in Japanese)

8 Nakanishi,Y., R. Ono, N. Sakagami, H. Kan, and C. Katagiri 2017, Developing the foundation for sustainable management of underwater cultural heritage starting from local involvement – case studies in Okinawa. 3rd Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Heritage (APCONF 2017), Hong Kong Maritime Museum, November 28th

9 Katagiri, C, Y. Nakanishi, R. Ono and H. Miyagi. 2017, Basic studies on the Western shipwrecks discovered in the Ryukyu Archipelago and their influence on modern society. 3rd Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Underwater Heritage (APCONF 2017), Hong Kong Maritime Museum, November 28th.

2014 『沖縄の水中文化遺産―青い海に沈んだ歴史のカケラ』 ボーダーインク





八重山毎日新聞(2017年11月21日朝刊)「屋良部崎沖 水中ロボで海底遺跡撮影」


1 石西礁湖海底遺跡群

2 屋良部沖海底遺跡 と調査風景

3 四爪鉄錨について

4 宮古島の水中文化遺産

2014a「沖縄の水中文化遺産と「海底遺跡ミュージアム構想」」『Ocean Newsletter』333号:4-5